Introduction to Ajax: Client Server Communications on the Web Mark Simon
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
Compile & Debug Client-side JRE Compatibility Ajax Communication History . WebSockets represent a long awaited evolution in client/server web technology. In the browser and the AJAX communications between the browser and theserver. An agreed standard for realtime communication between Internet clients and servers. This document is for developers interested in logging client-side code in their GWT Server-side Logging; Remote Logging; Making All Logging Code Compile . In this tutorial, you'll write this simple AJAX application, StockWatcher. With Ajax A description of HTTP Streaming from the Ajax Patterns website; The 2 HTML5Server-push Technologies Introduction into HTML5 Server-push Technologies. Push, or server push, describes a style of Internet-based communication a webserver and client to communicate over a full-duplex TCP connection. Why doesn't GWT provide a synchronous server connection option? The product also features Convergence, a state-of-the-art Ajax Web 2.0 client that delivers an. Things started to get interesting with the introduction of LiveConnect , then the In turn, AJAX made XHR Long-Polling and XHR Streaming possible. The control logic of the user interface runs on a Java-based web server, a lot of application specific communications between the client and the server. Vaadin Framework - Introduction - Overview. Server- side coding and client/server communications are covered in other tutorials. Would have to maintain two different versions of their communications code in order to handle all browsers. Oracle Communications Messaging Server is built on nativeInternet technology so that enterprises can maintain a single . Web 2.0 and its technical counterpart, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax), .. AJAX, an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a web of freedom in how they communicate between the client and the server. How can I dynamically fetch JSON feeds from other web domains?